Operational Monitoring Office | DELIVERY UNIT
Flagship project

Universal energy service


Despite a proactive policy to improve people's access to modern energy services, disparities remain between urban and rural populations. The electrification rate (ratio between the number of electrified households over the total number of households) in 2015 was 31% for rural areas. Given the challenges of rural electrification, particularly in terms of social cohesion and balanced development of the country, the Government is targeting a rural electrification rate of 100% by 2025 (Universal Access).

Methods of implementation

The public-private partnership was established as a basis for the development of rural electrification. To this end, the country was divided into rural electrification concessions entrusted to private operators selected by international calls for tender. This strategy resulted in the awarding of six concessions out of ten. The development of rural electrification takes place through direct financing from the State budget, as well as through locally initiated rural electrification projects.

A National Emergency Rural Electrification Program (PNUER), the cost of which is estimated at 155 billion FCFA, is being implemented, in addition to current projects and programs. 

Major Achievements:

  • Launch of the electrification program for 1 villages using mini solar networks with funding from the Green Climate Fund (FVC).

Outlook 2023:

Studies carried out: